const { checkGroupingSymbols, mustBeType, containsAt } = require('./utils')
const mustBeStr = (val, message) => mustBeType(val, 'string', message)
function validateFormatString(formatString, separators) {
type =>
type === 'undefined'
? 'No argument passed to Format constructor'
: `Format constructor was passed ${type} instead of string`
checkGroupingSymbols(formatString, separators)
if (formatString.includes(separators.start + separators.end)) {
throw new Error('Empty nonterminal in Format string')
* Settings for a Format object
* @typedef {Object} formatSettings
* @property {object} [separators] An object with `start` and `end` properties:
* @property {string} separators.start string that will indicate the start of a nonterminal.
* @property {string} separators.end string that will indicate the end of a nonterminal.
* @property {object} [inlineOptionals] An object with `start`, `end`, and `probability` properties:
* @property {string} inlineOptionals.start string that will indicate the start of an inlineOptional.
* @property {string} inlineOptionals.end string that will indicate the end of an inlineOptional.
* @property {string} inlineOptionals.probability the probability of text within an inlineOptional being included in string returned by this Format's [expand]{@link Format#expand} method
const defaultSettings = { separators: { start: '(', end: ')' }, inlineOptionals: false }
* The format according to which text will be generated.
* @constructor
* @param {string} formatString - A string which may contain 'nonterminals' - text which will be replaced with a specified or randomly chosen substring.
* By default, any sections of the text enclosed in parentheses will be replaced;
* this can be changed in the setings argument.
* @param {object} definitions - An object assosciating nonterminals as keys with
* the values they will be replaced with. If the value is a [WeightedRandom]{@link WeightedRandom},
* its .choose method will be called and the result inserted instead; if it is a Format
* its .expand method will be called and the result inserted.
* @param {formatSettings} [settings] - An object containing the settings used by this Format.
* Default value: `{ separators: { start: '(', end: ')' }, inlineOptionals: false }`
function Format(
settings = {}
) {
this._settings = { ...defaultSettings, ...settings }
validateFormatString(formatString, this._settings.separators)
this.formatString = formatString
this.definitions = definitions
this._separators = {
start: mustBeStr(
type => `Separators must be strings (was ${type})`
end: mustBeStr(
type => `Separators must be strings (was ${type})`
/** Generate text according to the format. Uses the definitions passed to the constructor if there were any,
* or those passed as an argument if none were passed to the constructor.
* Each section of the formatString that is enclosed in parentheses is replaced according to the following rules:
* 1. If it's not a key in the definitions passed to the constructor or this method, an error is thrown.
* 2. If its definition is a string, it's replaced with that string.
* 3. If its definition is also a Format, it's replaced with the returned value of a call to its
* .expand method on the definitions object currently in use
* (note if it has its own definitions they will take precedence).
* 4. If it's a [WeightedRandom]{@link WeightedRandom}, it's replaced with the returned value of a call to its
* .choose method.
* @param {object} [definitionsArg] - Definitions to be used if no definitions were passed to the constructor
* @param {formatSettings} [settings] - An object containing the settings used by this Format. Settings passed to this method will take precedence over those set in the constructor.
Format.prototype.expand = function (definitionsArg, settingsArg) {
let definitions = this.definitions || definitionsArg
let settings = { ...this._settings, ...settingsArg }
if (!definitions) {
throw new Error(
'This.definitions does not exist and no definitions argument passed'
let result = ''
this._splitFormatString(this.formatString, settings)
.forEach(section => {
if (section.type === 'nonterminal') {
result += this._handleNonterminal(section.val, definitions, settings)
} else if (section.type === 'optional') {
let rand = Math.random()
result += (rand < settings.inlineOptionals.probability) ?
new Format(section.val, definitions, settings).expand()
} else {
result += section.val
return result
Format.prototype._handleNonterminal = function (nonterminalStr, definitions, settings) {
if (!nonterminalStr) {
return ''
} else if (!definitions[nonterminalStr]) {
throw new Error(`"${nonterminalStr}" not found in definitions`)
} else {
let nonterminal = definitions[nonterminalStr]
if (typeof nonterminal === 'string') {
return new Format(nonterminal, definitions, settings).expand()
} else if (typeof nonterminal === 'object' && nonterminal.expand) {
return nonterminal.expand(definitions, settings)
} else if (typeof nonterminal === 'object' && nonterminal.choose) {
return new Format(nonterminal.choose(), definitions).expand()
Format.prototype._splitFormatString = function (str, settings) {
const inlineOptionals = settings.inlineOptionals
const separators = settings.separators
let sections = []
let section = { type: 'text', val: '' }
let i = 0
while (i < str.length) {
const char = str.charAt(i)
if (containsAt(str, separators.start, i)) {
section = { type: 'nonterminal', val: '' }
i = i + separators.start.length
} else if (inlineOptionals && containsAt(str, inlineOptionals.start, i)) {
section = { type: 'optional', val: '' }
i = i + inlineOptionals.start.length
} else if (containsAt(str, separators.end, i)) {
section = { type: 'text', val: '' }
i = i + this._separators.end.length
} else if (inlineOptionals && containsAt(str, inlineOptionals.end, i)) {
section = { type: 'text', val: '' }
i = i + inlineOptionals.end.length
} else {
section.val += char
return sections
module.exports = Format