These are all genuine questions that I have been asked multiple times. Make of that what you will.

What tech stack do you use?

About half of my experience is with React; the other half is quite varied.

Languages and frameworks I have used professionally, in rough order of familiarity, include Typescript, Javascript (React, ReactNative, Express and Sequelize), Python (Django) Kotlin (Spring Boot), Java (Spring Boot) Swift, Go, C# (Dotnet).

Are you British?

I've often been told I have a British accent. This is strange, as I haven't spent a significant amount of time in Britain, nor do I have any family from there. My brother seems to have the same accent I do, but we've never figured out where we got it. Notably, we've only been told this by Americans; it doesn't sound British to actual British people.

Are you from the South?

No, I thought "y'all" was a good idea, so I adopted it into my vocabulary.

What's that instrument you play?

Bowed psaltery.

How are you?

Fine, thanks. How're you?*

* I believe that this exchange is generally used as a phatic expression; in some cases, my response here may thus be intended more as 'giving the correct password in a standard protocol' than as a statement of fact.

Read anything interesting lately?

(I'm not going to keep the website up to date on this, but if you want an idea what sort of things I read in general, this list should help.)

What's the password?